Smoked swordfish loin with salad and honey and orange vinaigrette

1 pack of smoked swordfish loin
1 pot of flowers
1.75 oz uncooked laminated radish
1.75 oz uncooked laminated turnip
1.75 oz uncooked laminated fennel
½ diced orange
3.5 oz mix of greenery (mizuna, watercress, spinach)
3 tablespoons of olive oil
½ Orange juice
1 tablespoon of honey
0.35 oz grated ginger
1 teaspoon of sesame oil
Salt, as needed
Black pepper, as needed
Producers: Microgreens, Prata de Mel
For the vinaigrette add all the ingredients in a tall glass, except the olive oil.
With a hand blender in medium speed add the olive oil slowly.
For the salad, use a salad bowl and add the mix of greenery, the diced orange,
the radish, the turnip and the fennel and half of the flowers and half of the vinaigrette.
Involve all gently.
To serve, finish with the smoked swordfish, the flowers and the vinaigrette