Confit cod with parsley vinaigrette on a bed of potatoes with cherry tomatoes and shallots.

150gr small potato
10gr garlic
60gr cherry tomatoes
60gr shallots
5gr dehydrated olives
80gr half-moon onion
20ml olive oil
black pepper
Confit cod:
300gr codfish steak
500ml of olive oil
1 zest of an orange
1 zest of a lemon
2 cloves of garlic
20gr of rosemary
20gr thyme
black pepper
1 bay leaf
Parsley Vinaigrette:
80gr parsley
70gr olive oil
20ml vinegar
black pepper
Combine all the ingredients in a tall glass, turn the hand blender on medium speed until smooth and set aside.
Confit cod:
In a baking dish place the cod and other ingredients and cover the cod with the olive oil. Bake at 80º for 1 hour.
Potato punch:
Place the previously washed potatoes on a baking tray, mix them with salt and bake at 170º for 30minutes. After roasting, remove the excess salt and give them a "punch" to open them a little. In a frying pan, sauté the chopped garlic with the olive oil and drizzle over the potatoes.
In another pan sauté the shallots and cherry tomatoes and season with salt and black pepper. Remove and store on a tray. In the same frying pan, add some of the olive oil from the cod cooking and caramelize the onion in half-moons.
Dehydrated olive:
Bake the olives on a baking tray at 100 degrees for 40 minutes until dehydrated and mash.
Arrange the potato on the plate, place the codfish fillet on top of the potato and on top of the codfish arrange the caramelized onion and a clove of garlic from cooking the codfish. Next to the potato place the shallot and the cherry tomato. Drizzle with the vinaigrette and sprinkle the dehydrated olives over the dish.
Recipe by chef Samuel Silva Rego, Servicater.